Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cruise to Komodo - The Dragon Island

Cruise to Komodo - The Dragon Island-With all-encompassing acquaintance in the tourism and diving industry let us appearance you why you should acquaintance Komodo with Sea Safari Cruises. You will sailing with affluence Pinisi cruise, Indonesia aboriginal ship.
Komodo National Esplanade is a UNESCO World Heritage Website encompassing amazing acreage and abyssal wilderness. An appointment with the acclaimed Komodo 'dragon' (a behemothic cadger that can abound up to 3 meters and can counterbalance up to 70 kilos) may be acumen abundant to appointment Komodo, but there is abundant added to see. Nowhere abroad will you acquisition such assortment of angle and apricot species. It feels like entering a fairyland of activity and adorableness - a accurate Garden of Eden.
The live-aboards accord us an absurd amount of flexibility. Fast and assorted speedboats for both defined and non-divers acquiesce us to do actual fast transfers amid sites, the boats and Labuan Bajo
Most diving sites are aswell accessible for absurd snorkeling. We actual adore clandestine excursions on white beach beaches, fishing and biking escorted by esplanade rangers to ascertain the wildlife on the islands.
Traveling to Komodo National Esplanade with Sea Safari Cruises gives the achievability to extend your cruise to see added islands a continued the Lesser Sunda cover Lombok, Satonda, Sumbawa, and Moyo island.

Bali - Komodo Cruises Route:
Day 1 : Benoa - Labuan Amuk
Embarkation on to the Sea Safari in Benoa Harbor. Departure at 09.00AM. Welcome drinks will be offered. Cabin allocation will yield abode afore abandon to Labuhan Amuk for chargeless baptize activities such as snorkeling or diving. In the backward afternoon we abandon to Teluk Nara ( Nara Bay ), Lombok
Day 2 : Nara Bay, Lombok
In the aboriginal morning as the sun rises over Mount Rinjani, we ballast in Nara Bay on the Arctic West Side of Lombok. Afterwards breakfast we go aground and our aboriginal appointment is the close backwoods at Pusuk area we can augment monkeys and in a bright weather, adore the amazing appearance of surrounding backwoods and of the Gili Islands. We afresh abide to the bounded bazaar Gunung Sari and to the centermost of Bamboo handicrafts about there to attestant the action and address to get consign superior bamboo product.
We go on to appointment Lingsar Temple, a different website that dates aback to 1714 and that angelic to both Hindus and Moslems and advance to Banyumulek to see how the bounded accomplish a acclaimed ceramics product. Passing through the a lot of acclaimed day-tripper resort of Lombok, Senggigi Beach on the way aback to the boat, we stop at Malibu the a lot of absurd appearance point to see the Gili Islands and in a bright weather, Bali Island. Over cafeteria the baiter will aloft the ballast and we set captain to Satonda
Day 3 : Satonda Island, Sumbawa
In the aboriginal morning we access in Satonda, the un-habitat island, which is afar by a attenuated bewilderment from the Tambora Abundance on the Sumbawa mainland, the website of bigger access in recorded history. Going aground we ascertain that Satonda its cocky is a baby abundance as able-bodied and that as able-bodied and that acrid basin acreage its crater. On this peaceful island, there will be chargeless time for pond and snorkeling or diving. In the afternoon we set captain to Komodo.
Day 4 : Komodo National Esplanade - Pink Beach
Our morning we activate with go aground area a esplanade forester will escort us beyond the island (about 4,5 km there and back) to get a bigger amid atom area you can adore and yield the account of the amazing appearance of Komodo Island and its surrounding admirable islands. Afterwards walking about to acquisition the breed from the Jurassic Age, we will absorb the butt of the day beachcombing and snorkeling on the admirable "Red Beach " of Komodo with its amazing abyssal gardens. In the backward afternoon we elevate the ballast and go underway to Bima.
Day 5 : Bima, Sumbawa
Welcome to addition abode in the affection of eastern Sumbawa, Bima the active acceptable harbor. Our adumbrative will be best up and we absorb in the morning exploring the boondocks and the Donggo altitude west of Bima Bay. About lunchtime, we leave the anchorage and afterwards sailing out of Bima Bay we go on a westerly branch afresh for our brief access to Moyo
Day 6 : Moyo Island, Sumbawa
Early accession at Moyo, a wild-life and abyssal reserve. We accomplish a landfall appointment on Moyo, a baby island off the arctic of Sumbawa. We stop at one of several accomplished snorkeling sites forth its west bank and go aground at the apple of Labuan Haji. In the backward afternoon we elevate the ballast and sailing aback to Benoa, Bali
Day 7 : Benoa, Bali
We absorb our endure day on board. We will access in Benoa Anchorage about 16.00PM. Cruise end and you will be transferred to your next destination.

find more at Komodo National Park

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