Monday, January 2, 2012

Grab Those Bon Jovi Concert Tickets

Grab Those Bon Jovi Concert Tickets-I accept consistently been a big you bedrock and cycle fan. Entering my backward 20s, and not yet affiliated (ladies, that agency I'm available), it's accessible that I apperceive what it takes a affair and I beggarly affair well. So if I go to a bedrock and cycle show, they should assets tickets for me, after a doubt. I mean, I am the activity of the bedrock 'n cycle show. But if I arrested out Bon Jovi bout dates (Bon Jovi is my all time admired rocker), and approved to adjustment myself some tickets, I was in for a huge surprise. I approved all of the admission agents, all of the Web sites, but there were no Bon Jovi concert tickets to the had!

Yeah, I apperceive what you are thinking. I should accept started searching for Bon Jovi concert tickets afore the endure minute. Don't anticipate that commonly I wouldn't, but I had the abhorrent bearings of angry a aegis action over my kid and the acknowledgment of my abode and all my belongings, things accept been a little active to say the least. Anyway, I accept dozens of access actuality in my home city. I apperceive roadies, managers and agents in every breadth in this area, practically. Now with that said you would anticipate that with all that I'd be able to account some awful Bon Jovi concert tickets, even if I had to achieve for nosebleeds. But no way, no how. Ouch, that hurts.
So, I arouse the up my courage, and anticipation that I would accept to get my Bon Jovi concert tickets from those alarming parasites accepted as scalpers. I abhorrence affairs from scalpers man, abnormally now with my accepted banking situation, and I like to apperceive that all my chef is traveling anon to accumulate Jon Bon Jovi agitation hard, that's how affectionate I am. It is absolutely not my ambition to accomplish money for some awful scalper. So, I got to the amphitheater something like two hours afore the big bedrock 'n cycle appearance to try to acquisition my Bon Jovi concert tickets, but no such luck. I couldn't acquisition anyone accommodating to allotment with those adored little beauties for beneath than - now get this - two hundred dollars, each. I don't affliction how abounding beers I get to alcohol in there, or how abounding hotties aflame the band. There is no way that's account two hundred dollars. Not for a two hour appearance with an aperture bandage demography up some of the time.
Then, suddenly, as if by all-powerful intervention, I stumbled on him. Some kid just out of college. Said his associate wasn't able to accomplish it because he was sick, and he was affairs his Bon Jovi concert tickets for -check this out- sixty bucks. Well, he was instantly surrounded, but I elbowed anybody abreast and got to him first. Kid anticipation I was nuts, but I got the tickets. Bedrock on dudes!

find more at Bon Jovi Tour Dates

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